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(Memory Verse Cards)

Hear what other grown-ups and kids have to say about our products before you buy!

“Brilliant! These beautiful, high-quality cards are a fun way for my girl to make a habit of hiding the Word in her heart.”

Alli, Florida

“We were updating my daughter’s daily checklist for the school year and she asked me to add a spot to remind her to do her verses.”

Hallie, Ohio

“I just love these cards. I could look at them all day.”

7 year old daughter of Angela, Florida

“My five-year old loves these cards! She loved seeing girls that look like her and her friends sharing God’s word with her. It was a great academic reinforcement of letter and phonics recognition for an early reader. The chosen verses are great for young girls to begin to provide tools to use the Word in real life!”

Danielle, Ohio

“These verse cards are a great resource to help your daughter memorize Bible verses. The cards are easy to write on and feel sturdy. My daughters love the characters and how bright and colorful the cards are. They are so excited to use these!”

Ashley, Ohio

“I love this product! My daughter was so excited to unwrap it and see all of the characters. Its great to use at home and to take along in the car and to appointments. I love to see her engaging with scripture and filling her mind with God’s word!”

Laura, Tennessee

“My daughter is six years old and has been excited to practice her writing, reading and memorization with these cards. I love the look and feel of these cards. They are definitely high quality!”

Valarie, Oregon


1235 Laughing Ln.
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
